Monday, June 29, 2015

Smugglers Cove/ Peace Fiji!

Smugglers Cove was also chill. We arrived and went to what Brett called a "real Fijian restaurant", which was just a chinese restaurant. I didn't mind though because the fried rice was amazing. We chilled that night and attempted to go to bed but there was 2 random girls in our room. We walked in there and they had moved meghans stuff and were in her bed. We didn't say anything to them, we stared at them awkwardly and they stared at us awkwardly.The hotel kicked them out so it was all good. The next day we went to yet another village, which personally I thought it was a tourist attraction. The Kava ceremony at 11 am seemed a little staged and gave the vibe they have these daily with tourists. The village was really pretty though, I got great shots. We hiked up to a "waterfall". It was a waterfall but we were just so spoiled from the other waterfalls on Taveuni. We then went to a mud bath/hotsprings. That was really fun. We all attacked each other with mud and took great pics. Before you get in the hot spring you have to wash off in this other spring thing and the bottom of that felt so gross. The hot spring was nice. The next day was our day of departure but we weren't leaving until 9 at night so we drove an hour to go surfing. I was tired so I didn't surf but it was still entertaining to watch everyone else in the group fail. Jacob was carrying his board on the sand and his rope thing that attached to the ankle got all tangled and he completely ate it. It was hilarious. We went back to smugglers, showered, and then headed to the airport. On this ride I guess I thought it would be cool to stick my head out the window on snapchat and say bye to Fiji. I realized how big of an idiot I was when my glasses flew off. But if my dad asks, I "gave them to a fijian kid that couldn't see and tried them on and now he can see the world". Hope my dad doesn't read this. We had to say goodbye to Brett because he was staying gin Fiji. It was sad but I got a pic with him and he looks so hot so we are all good. The flight to LA wasn't painful at all because I slept most of the way and when I wasn't Meghan and I were in the back "stretching" with the flight attendant. That was fun. The flight to Houston was pretty good too. Finally I was home. Overall, Fiji was the coolest trip I've ever been on. I highly recommend anybody to go on a National Geographic trip. I had the best time of my life so far and experienced so much. I made great friends for life. I'm sitting at homeright now, its 5 am, writing this blog thats due at 9:30 and I haven't even started my final exam phonebook. But anyway I'm just thinking about how this trip has changed me. I hope to keep that change and not let time cause my new knowledge to drift away. I'm going to kept in contact with the villagers that changed my life so much. I really miss Fiji and I really miss everyone there. I really enjoyed the trip and so glad I had the oppurtunity. I've been in Houston 3 days and I'm already so bored. Yeah I went to Fiji while you sat in Houston bored off your butt. I love you Fiji!

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